Sandeep Kumar Singh

Former Post-doc
2017/02 – 2019/01
Sandeep worked on the computational modeling of molecular solar thermal storage materials and related organic molecular systems by means of first-principles calculations.
Education and academic experience
2015-1/2017: Visiting Researcher, Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linköping University, Norrköping (Sweden)
2010-2014: Ph.D. in Physics, Condensed Matter Theory group, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
2007-2009: M.Tech. (Industrial Mathematics and Scientific Computing), Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai (India)
2000-2006: B.Sc and M.Sc in Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)
Optimizing photon upconversion by decoupling excimer formation and triplet triplet annihilation Permalink
C. Ye, V. Gray, K. Kushwaha, S. K. Singh, P. Erhart, and K. Börjesson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 1715 (2020) -
Dithiafulvene derivatized donor-acceptor norbornadienes with redshifted absorption Permalink
M. Mansø, M. D. Kilde, S. K. Singh, P. Erhart, K. Moth-Poulsen, and M. Brøndsted Nielsen
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 3092 (2019) -
A Record Chromophore Density in High-Entropy Liquids of Two Low-Melting Perylenes: A New Strategy for Liquid Chromophores Permalink
K. Kushwaha, L. Yu, K. Stranius, S. K. Singh, S. Hultmark, M. N. Iqbal, L. Eriksson, E. Johnston, P. Erhart, C. Müller, and K. Börjesson
Advanced Science 6, 1801650 (2019) -
Norbornadiene-based photoswitches with exceptional combination of solar spectrum match and long term energy storage Permalink
M. Jevric, A. U. Petersen, M. Mansø, S. K. Singh, Z. Wang, Ambra, C. Sumby, M. Brøndsted Nielsen, K. Börjesson, P. Erhart, and K. Moth-Poulsen
Chemistry - A European Journal 24, 12767 (2018)