Christopher Linderalv
Former Post-doc
2016/08 – 2022/10
office: Origo, R7105B
Christopher’s research is concerned with electronic and thermodynamic properties of defects in oxides and two-dimensional materials as well as the role of electron-phonon interactions in carrier recombination and transport.
2022: Doctorate in Physics; Chalmers University of Technology
2020: Licentiate in Physics; Chalmers University of Technology
2016: M.Sc. Applied Physics; Chalmers University of Technology
Optical line shapes of color centers in solids from classical autocorrelation functions Permalink
C. Linderälv, N. Österbacka, J. Wiktor, and P. Erhart
arXiv:2408.06908 (2024) -
Tuning the through-plane lattice thermal conductivity in van-der-Waals structures through rotational (dis)ordering Permalink
F. Eriksson, E. Fransson, C. Linderälv, Z. Fan, and P. Erhart
ACS Nano 17, 25565 (2023) -
The moiré potential in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers Permalink
C. Linderälv, J. Hagel, S. Brem, E. Malic, and P. Erhart
arXiv:2205.15616 (2022) -
High-throughput characterization of transition metal dichalcogenide alloys: Thermodynamic stability and electronic band alignment Permalink
C. Linderälv, J. M. Rahm, and P. Erhart
Chemistry of Materials 34, 9364 (2022) -
Vibrational signatures for the identification of single-photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride Permalink
C. Linderälv, W. Wieczorek, and P. Erhart
Physical Review B 103, 115421 (2021) -
Photoluminescence line shapes for color centers in silicon carbide from density functional theory calculations Permalink
A. Hashemi, C. Linderälv, A. V. Krasheninnikov, T. Ala-Nissilä, P. Erhart, and H. Komsa
Physical Review B 103, 125203 (2021) -
Luminescence quenching via deep defect states: A recombination pathway via oxygen vacancies in Ce-doped YAG Permalink
C. Linderälv, D. Åberg, and P. Erhart
Chemistry of Materials 33, 73 (2021) -
Exciton landscape in van der Waals heterostructures Permalink
J. Hagel, S. Brem, C. Linderälv, P. Erhart, and E. Malic
Physical Review Research 3, 18063 (2021) -
Tunable Phases of Moiré Excitons in van der Waals Heterostructures Permalink
S. Brem, C. Linderälv, P. Erhart, and E. Malic
Nano Letters 20, 8534 (2020) -
Interlayer exciton dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures Permalink
S. Ovesen, S. Brem, C. Linderälv, M. Kuisma, P. Erhart, M. Selig, and E. Malic
Communications Physics 2, 23 (2019) -
Impact of strain on the excitonic linewidth in transition metal dichalcogenides Permalink
Z. Khatibi, M. Feierabend, M. Selig, S. Brem, C. Linderälv, P. Erhart, and E. Malic
2D Materials 6, 6669 (2018) -
A Unifying Perspective on Oxygen Vacancies in Wide Band Gap Oxides Permalink
C. Linderälv, A. Lindman, and P. Erhart
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9, 222 (2018)
Optical properties of point defects in insulators and of transition metal dichalcogenides Permalink
C. Linderälv, Doctoral Thesis (2022) -
Everything is imperfect: Studies on point defects in insulators Permalink
C. Linderälv, Licentiate Thesis (2020) -
Structural and thermodynamical properties of tungsten oxides from first-principles calculations Permalink
C. Linderälv, Master′s Thesis (2016)