Daniel Lindroth
Former Ph.D. student
2013/05 – 2018/06
Google Scholar/s0EjNf4AAAAJ
Daniel’s graduate studies were focused on understanding and quantitatively predicting thermal transport properties in thermoelectric and layered materials.
2018: Doctorate in Physics; Chalmers University of Technology
Thermal transport in van der Waals Solids and Inorganic Clathrates from first-principles calculations -
2016: Licentiate in Physics; Chalmers University of Technology
Some phonons wander by mistake, into the mess where symmetry breaks: Understanding low thermal conductivity by first-principles calculations -
2013: M.Sc. Applied Physics; Chalmers University of Technology
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Pipe With Corrugated Walls
Thermal conductivity in intermetallic clathrates: A first-principles perspective Permalink
D. O. Lindroth, J. Brorsson, E. Fransson, F. Eriksson, A. Palmqvist, and P. Erhart
Physical Review B 100, 19078 (2019) -
Thermal transport in van der Waals solids from first-principles calculations Permalink
D. O. Lindroth and P. Erhart
Physical Review B 94, 115205 (2016) -
Optimization of the Thermoelectric Power Factor: Coupling between Chemical Order and Transport Properties Permalink
M. Ångqvist, D. O. Lindroth, and P. Erhart
Chemistry of Materials 28, 6877 (2016) -
Microscopic Origin of Thermal Conductivity Reduction in Disordered van der Waals Solids Permalink
P. Erhart, P. Hyldgaard, and D. O. Lindroth
Chemistry of Materials 27, 5511 (2015)
Thermal transport in van der Waals Solids and Inorganic Clathrates from first-principles calculations Permalink
D. Lindroth, Doctoral Thesis (2018) -
Some phonons wander by mistake, into the mess where symmetry breaks: Understanding low thermal conductivity by first-principles calculations Permalink
D. Lindroth, Licentiate Thesis (2016)