Christian Schaefer

Former Post-doc
2023/01 – 2025/01
office: Origo, R7105B

Google Scholar/IKCuzO8AAAAJ
During his time in the group Christian worked on theoretical quantum mechanics interacting with optical and plasmonic fields. This included contributions to ab initio quantum electrodynamics, polaritonic chemistry, (quantum electrodynamical) density-functional theory, chiral polaritonics, and variational quantum algorithms. His Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship was focused on the control of plasmonic catalysis using optical control strategies.
2021: PostDoc at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
2020: Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) in theoretical physics, University of Hamburg, Germany
On the interface of quantum electrodynamics and electronic structure theory: cavity QED -
2015: M. Sc. in physics, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
2013: B. Sc. in physics, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Tensorial properties via the neuroevolution potential framework: Fast simulation of infrared and Raman spectra Permalink
N. Xu, P. Rosander, C. Schäfer, E. Lindgren, N. Österbacka, M. Fang, W. Chen, Y. He, Z. Fan, and P. Erhart
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20, 3273 (2024) -
Machine Learning for Polaritonic Chemistry: Accessing chemical kinetics Permalink
C. Schäfer, J. Fojt, E. Lindgren, and P. Erhart
Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, 5402 (2024) -
GPAW: open Python package for electronic-structure calculations Permalink
J. J. Mortensen, A. H. Larsen, M. Kuisma, A. V. Ivanov, A. Taghizadeh, A. Peterson, A. Haldar, A. O. Dohn, C. Schäfer, E. Ö. Jónsson, E. D. Hermes, F. A. Nilsson, G. Kastlunger, G. Levi, H. Jónsson, H. Häkkinen, J. Fojt, J. Kangsabanik, J. Sødequist, J. Lehtomäki, J. Heske, J. Enkovaara, K. T. Winther, M. Dulak, M. M. Melander, M. Ovesen, M. Louhivuori, M. Walter, M. Gjerding, O. Lopez-Acevedo, P. Erhart, R. Warmbier, R. Würdemann, S. Kaappa, S. Latini, T. M. Boland, T. Bligaard, T. Skovhus, T. Susi, T. Maxson, T. P. Rossi, X. Chen, Y. L. A. Schmerwitz, J. Schiøtz, T. Olsen, K. W. Jacobsen, and K. S. Thygesen
Journal of Chemical Physics 160, 092503 (2024) -
Controlling Plasmonic Catalysis via Strong Coupling with Electromagnetic Resonators Permalink
J. Fojt, P. Erhart, and C. Schäfer
Nano Letters 24, 11913 (2024)