Esmee Berger

Ph.D. student
joined 2022/09
office: Origo, R7101A
In her PhD research Esmée models the behavior of metallic nanoparticles in wet-chemical solution.
- 2022: M.Sc. in Applied Physics; Chalmers University of Technology
Runaway dynamics in reactor scale spherical tokamak disruptions
Highly efficient path-integral molecular dynamics simulations with GPUMD using neuroevolution potentials: Case studies on thermal properties of materials Permalink
P. Ying, W. Zhou, L. Svensson, E. Berger, E. Fransson, F. Eriksson, K. Xu, T. Liang, J. Xu, B. Song, S. Chen, P. Erhart, and Z. Fan
Journal of Chemical Physics 162, 064109 (2025)